Your strategic growth partner through acquisitions
When a business is targeting growth through acquisitions, that is, by purchasing another business, then they need acquisitions funding to complete the transaction.
Post-pandemic and digitisation there is a huge change in the business finance market. New lenders are getting added to the list everyday with new deal structures and new parameters.
But with Pebble, you don't have to worry about changes and updates, because our experts are here to serve you at each stage until the funding gets credited to your account. They will explain each and every step from the start of the application.
Our expert advisors work with multiple lenders across the UK. We have customised solutions for your situation to suit your requirements.

Ways where acquisitions disposal will add value to your business
Acquisition funding helps in increasing market share as they allow us to access new customers.Adaptation of new skills and technology in existing environment
Once you have understood that business acquisition is the right approach, you will need to think about acquisition disposals.
Helps business owners acquire businesses which helps in reducing operational costs and increased revenue. Allow business owners to compete in sectors which are out of reach earlier.
Reach growth through diversification of technology, product, or market.
Benefits of acquisitions funding with Pebble

To find out more, call on:
Pebble Commercial Finance has a large number of contacts to put you in the right deal.